What is Next Gen Boston?

We craft mission development experiences during breaks, summers, and semesters designed to strengthen your identity as an everyday, Spirit-led missionary.

Next Gen Boston is a new ministry initiative that partners and collaborates with Send Network Boston and GenSend to equip and empower the next generation to live on mission in Boston. We craft mission development experiences during breaks, summers, and semesters designed to strengthen your identity as an everyday, Spirit-led missionary. In all of these, we challenge students to put their “yes” on the table to giving their first two years out of college to live strategically in a place like Boston. 

What if it became the norm, for every, college student to give their first two years post -college to advance the mission of God through church planting in a place like Boston.

Imagine the impact in our churches and city as you…

  • Share your faith with your neighbors and co-workers

  • Serve as a faithful member of your church

  • Make disciples who make disciples

  • Lead small groups

  • Direct ministries for kids, students, young adults and more

We believe that as hundreds of college students strategically serve in our church plants, not only will our churches be stronger and healthier, our ability to plant more churches will accelerate dramatically.

Meet the Director of Next Gen Boston, Jon Chasteen

Jon moved to Boston in 2010 to help plant Redemption Hill Church. From the beginning, he has had a passion to reach and disciple college students. In 2017, he stepped into leading GenSend Boston which has now grown into Next Gen Boston. While he remains a pastor at RHC, his full-time job is directing Next Gen Boston. Jon and his wife, Leigh, met at Appalachian State University and have been married since December 2003. They have five precious children: Ava, Emet, Owen, Zoe and Calynn. Having played football in college, Jon enjoys watching and playing most sports, especially basketball and football. Jon holds the M.Div. and Ph.D. in Biblical Theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Meet Tali, the Assistant Director of Next Gen Boston

Tali moved to Boston in 2021 to serve alongside of Church at the Well in East Boston and the Well Coffeehouse. Tali has a passion to see college students trained and mobilized. In 2022, she stepped in to help lead NextGen Boston. She specifically spends time equipping and developing the female leaders of our GenSend teams. Tali also serves as the deacon of hospitality at Church at the Well. On the weekends you can find Tali either hiking in the woods or hanging out at a local coffeeshop.